Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You Don't Say!

Tag/Award given by a one of my good friend in the blogworld and to the real world, Ate Cecille of Small and Simple Things, my mentor. Thankyou so much! :) You Don't Say? {Super comments award} award is kind of cool award/tag... hope you guys will grab this, too!

About this award: "We give and get awards for having a great blog and being a good friend. What I want to award is those people whose comments have meant THE WORLD to me. It takes time to visit a blog and leave a comment ... I wanted to recognize some special bloggers whose comments have made such an impact on me. The “You Don’t Say?” Award is awarded to these special blogger in hopes that they will pass the award along to 5 of their best commenter!

I want to pass this on to Dhemz, Clarissa, Eden, Dubster, Chel, Enny Arrows, Mee Moe, Lucasmoores and Rowena.... and all my friend on bloglists.

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